
What to Expect in a Singing Lesson
"She does not tell you how to sing, but rather how to find your own voice whilst using technique that is beneficial to you! Highly recommended for any singing style." - Johann Meux
All singing lessons are taoilored to the indivdual persons needs. So no two lessons will ever be the same and they are adapted person to person lesson to lesson. Having said this there are some structures in place that are reoccuring themes and methods of working:
I believe it is important for a student to decide what songs they sing. It is important to sing songs to want to sing and love. These are after all - your lessons! Personally I do not find it a good use of time in a lesson to spend it on learning melodies. This seems counter productive and not the best use of your time. Hence asking that songs are learned before lessons - mainly melody. Lyrics do not need to be learning off by heart or memorised, ever. So feel free to bring lyric sheets with you (no need to bring music sheets), use your phone to read them off, or have the lyrics up in a tab on your computer/laptop.
Intoducing new repertoire. This is a wonderful thing and I have discovered many different genres I may never have been exposed to by my numerous teachers.
What to expect in the first lesson:
The first lesson is always a little different to subsequent lessons. Nerves can be high. You are meeting a totaly stranger after all, and sharing your precious voice. So, first lessons tend to have perhaps more talking than subsequent lessons - time to find out what you would like to work on, telling me a little bit about yourself, explaining how the warm up exercises work in a bit more detail.
Then in subseqent lessons, we touch base, what have you explored, what would you like to work on today, doing the warm-ups and then moving usually a little quicker into more singing.
How much time is spent on warm-up exerices?
When I had singing lessons I used to get very frustrated that half an hour of my hour lessons were spent on warm-up exercises! For me this felt like a total waste of time and money as I could do these exercises before the lesson started. So, I like to offer my students the opportunity to do the warm-up exercises before the lesson and then we can get straight to work. Of course there may be time that needs to be spent on learning that actual warm-up exerices and I am happy to spend as long or as little on this - we go at your pace. When you feel you've got the hang of them and can do them before lessons, great. If you haven't, no problem, we can continue to go over them for as long as you need.
Frequency of lessons:
This depends on your needs and how much time you have to invest in lessons. I find that having 1 lesson every week or two weeks is a nice pace. However, life is busy and it's more important to go at a pace for you that works for you, so you have time to digest the information in the lessons, explore things by yourself, and let things percolate in their own time - your time.
There isn't any and you won't be graded :)
Do I need to read music of play an instrument?
No. You do not need to be able to read music in order to sing. You also don't need to be able to play an instrument to sing or to write songs. (Please see the 'Songwriting With Your Voice' for more info on this).
Do you accompany with piano?
No, I do not play any instuments myself. All lessons are taught either using backing tracks found online or acapella (singing with no instuments, the voice alone). This is a very efficient and effective way of learning how to sing as you can start to trust your voice to be able to keep a tune (melody) without needing accompaniment. I do also appreciate that this isn't for everyone, in which case there are many singing teachers who teach with accompanying on piano.
Photography by Mateja Šafhalter / Jennifer Grube Photography / Irina Toma
Ania Hardy / 07906189117 / ania@thesongwithin.co.uk
© 2016 The Song Within